Unlock Your God-Given Potential

Woman looking into a mirror

Who Do You Think You Are?

July 03, 20235 min read

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10.

I spent my life thinking I was good for one thing as a result of what was spoken over me when I was young. My value, my identity, who I was, what I would do with my life, the people I would have around me were all to be dictated by this one thing. What is worse, it wasn’t only what I thought I was good for it was what I thought I was created for. Eventually I learned how to use it. I embraced who I thought I was. I owed it so to speak. This lead to some pretty precarious and compromising situations. But still what I told myself was if I just did Y, would they see X, but I knew it couldn’t ever be true. Yet my soul longed for more. I craved someone to see beyond the shallow, to look deeper into who I was and see my heart. To have my identity be closer to who I wanted to be, but I knew that couldn’t ever be true.

Who can relate to knowing this you, this you that everybody says is you, isn’t really you? ... But yet it is.

Who we are is a deep seated issue. The words of others shape and define who we say we are. Blessed is the one who had loved ones who spoke life into them. It is all too common however to grow up surrounded with people who are careless with their words or worse use them deliberately to cut, wound, to destroy the goodness and potential within. Ok maybe that is a bit extreme. Instead things were said that compared us with others, pointing out how we don’t measure up. Perhaps it was a sibling who got better grades, or a cousin or friend that made life seem flawless while you struggled with school, sports or were just an awkward kid in general. It didn’t have to be the words of someone close to us to distort our identity. Are the careless words of another, even a stranger, still ringing in your ear, playing over and over as you discuss with yourself who you are?

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. False! Talk about a lie from the enemy. We know words have power. We know the damage words can do. Sometimes a broken bone may actually be easier to heal from than a vicious attack of words.

You believe the words of others.
You believe the words you say.
But do you know what God says about you?

The very first thing God’s word says about mankind is, what, we are made in His image. Genesis 1:26 “Let us make human beings in our image to be like us….”I don’t know about you but I have a hard time thinking of God as anything less than beautiful. So right away ladies, and men, you should know you are stunning, you are gorgeous, you are handsome. You are beautiful. Yes the outside too.It is no wonder Satan hates us. When he sees us he’s see’s God’s image in us.

Verse 22 “So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female.” NLT. We see here God said then it became true.

God says so many things about us.

You are known. Palm 139:1 “Lord you have searched me and known me”

You are loved. Isaiah 54:10 “For the mountains may move and the hills disappear but even then my faithful love for you will remain. ….”

And the greatest one yet that wraps everything into one solid statement. It speaks directly to not only who we are but what we will accomplish with our lives.

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10.

Think of an earthly masterpiece. What does that bring up within you? Words like valuable. Priceless. One of a kind. Wikipedia describes masterpiece as a creation that is considered the greatest work of a person's career. You are God’s masterpiece. And, we can do the good things God planned for us long ago! I don’t know about you but I will gladly partake in any good thing from God.

Let’s be real for a moment now.

Tell me, have you ever thought these things about yourself:

I’m stupid/ dumb
I am nobody
I am not important
I am ugly
I am unloved
I can’t do anything right
Or what about just, I can’t?

You say these things because you believe them to be true but these things are in direct conflict to what God says about you.

So, if God is the creator of the universe…who are you to tell God that He is wrong?

That is what you are doing every time you say these negative things of yourself.

You say:

I’m stupid/dumb. You’re telling God he made you less than his best.

I’m nobody, not important. You are denying your value and relationship with him.

I’m unloved. Does his love count for nothing? Does he not love you? Does he not think you are amazing?

Who is right, God or you?

If it’s God; stop telling him that he’s wrong.

Let’s stand on the words God has spoken over us. Let’s speak back to ourselves, and to others, his truth. Jesus said we are brothers and sisters. We are adopted into the family. We are heirs to the kingdom of heaven. We are whole, we are forgiven, we are powerful, loved and of sound mind. And most importantly we are good.

“Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good. “ Genesis 1:31

Know you are not alone in this. The devil questioned Jesus’ identity, so why should you be any different?

Learn what God says about you.

Know it.
Believe it.
Live it.

Watch yourself step into everything He created you to be.

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